@Alexey That is really awesome! I will definitely check it out and play around with it.
Here is what I use in Visor to achieve a similar functionality. Depending on your usage, it may be better to use DTerm but I figured these might help someone out since they work for regular Terminal as well.
I map these to various keyboard shortcuts such as Command+Shift+C or Control+Shift+C with Quicksilver.
Applescript to copy the containing folder of the current finder selection to the clipboard:
*tell* *application* "Finder"
*if* selection *is* *not* {} *then* *set the clipboard to* POSIX path *of* ( *container* *of* (*first* *item* *of* (selection *as* *list*) *as* *alias*) *as* *alias*)
*end* *tell*
* * Path of the Selection to the clipboard:
*tell* *application* "Finder"
*if* selection *is* *not* {} *then* *set the clipboard to* POSIX path *of* ( *first* *item* *of* (selection *as* *list*) *as* *alias*)
*end* *tell*
* * Tell Terminal to go to the current finder directory (
*tell* *application* "Finder"
*if* selection *is* *not* {} *then*
*set* path_ *to* POSIX path *of* (*container* *of* (*first* *item* *of* ( selection *as* *list*) *as* *alias*) *as* *alias*)
*tell* *application* "Visor"
*do script* with command "cd "" & path_ & """ in *window* 1
*end* *tell*
*end* *if*
*end* *tell*
* * I believe these can be modified relatively easily to use the current file in any application if you need to do that a lot. I am definitely going to check out DTerm and see how it integrates into my normal terminal workflow. Thanks for the info!!