Hey Ale, thanks for your help and sorry it's taken so long for me to reply. I have started putting some effort into using Textmate and am really enjoying it. I've tried to get your 'Validate Syntax' snippet to work but I get an error message:
/tmp/temp_textmate.dRzeHI:32: syntax error if errors.empty? && warnings.empty?
I think it is probably down to me copying the code for the snippet incorrectly but I'm not totally sure what I'm doing, I copied the code in the string node (below) If you could point out what I'm doing wrong I would be really grateful. Cheers! Ali
http://www.nabble.com/file/p13290317/validate%2Bsyntax.jpg #!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open3' require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/web_preview" require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + "/lib/exit_codes"
filename = ENV['TM_FILEPATH']
cmd = "'#{ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/bin/mtasc' '#{filename}'"
stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3(cmd)
warnings = [] errors = [] while err = stderr.gets if err[0, 10] == 'Warning : ' warnings.push(err.chomp) else m = /(.+):([0-9]+): characters ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+) : (.+)/.match(err) if m != nil if /^//.match(m[1]) real_path = m[1] else real_path = Dir.pwd + "/" + m[1] end a = "txmt://open?url=file://#{real_path}&line=#{m[2]}&column=#{m[3].to_i + 1}" err = "<a href="#{a}">#{File.basename(m[1])}, Line: #{m[2]} Column: #{m[3].to_i + 1} - #{m[5]}</a>" end errors.push(err.chomp) end end if errors.empty? && warnings.empty? puts "Syntax Ok" TextMate.exit_show_tool_tip else html_header("Validating Syntax for #{File.basename(filename)}","Validate Syntax") if !errors.empty? puts "<h2>Errors</h2>" puts errors end if !warnings.empty? puts "<h2>Warnings</h2>" puts warnings end html_footer TextMate.exit_show_html end
bomberstudios wrote:
On 9/10/07, Ale Muñoz bomberstudios@gmail.com wrote:
Hmmm... there's no 'Check Syntax' command on the ActionScript bundle... but now that you mention it, it looks like a good addition to the arsenal...
Talk about good timing. I had to debug some stuff for a project, and thought this command would be *very* useful.
Thus, I've pushed a new "Validate Syntax" command to the repository. It's bound to Control + Shift + V, for consistency with other bundles.
Please try it and see if it works for you.
-- Ale Muñoz http://sofanaranja.com http://bomberstudios.com
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