Thanks, Harris. All the best, Mark
On 17 Jun 2006, at 23:39, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
This looks like an svn conflicts issue, i.e. you had made some modifications to this file, and then when you svn up'ed these modifications where conflicting with the existing ones, so svn changed the file to show you the modifications and where the conflict is. If you look in that directory, you'll find files named: html2latex.xslt.mine html2latex.xsl.rsomenumbershere etc
you need to manually resolve the conflict. search for conflict in: ch03s05.html
On Jun 17, 2006, at 3:50 PM, Mark Eli Kalderon wrote:
Dear All,
I get the following error when running Convert Document / Selection to LaTeX on a MultiMarkdown document:
/Library/Application%20Support/TextMate/Bundles/Markdown.tmbundle/ Support/xhtml2latex.xslt:829: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name <<<<<<< .mine
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