On 8/6/2006, at 19:47, thomas Aylott wrote:
I get: svn: Invalid control character '0x09' in path 'Snippets/ untitled with tab.tmSnippet'
For me:
% touch $'test\ttab.txt' % svn add $'test\ttab.txt' A test tab.txt
I.e. works fine.
That's just when trying to add it to the repo. Subversion command-line client, version 1.3.0. Mac OS X 10.4.6 Internal HD HFS+ Svn repo stored on dreamhost i686 GNU/Linux
I believe I am running subversion 1.3.1, this is from DarwinPorts. I also use 10.4.6 and HFS+. If your failure happens while adding the file, the off-site storage shouldn’t matter.