On Jan 26, 2005, at 15:53, Jan-Ole Esleben wrote:
Apparently, at the moment, snippets are processed by regular expression matching
No they are not, but anyway... ;)
[...] wouldn't it be great if one could do something like this (that's for Prolog code):
findall(${1:X}, ${2:member(${1:X}, $4)}, ${1:X}s)
If you deleted $2, of course, the placeholders inside it would not be activated any more.
What if you delete $2 and back-tab to $1?
The thing Justin Blake wants (about starting new snippets inside snippets) is on the to-do, when I get to that, I'll consider this one as well. There is some improvements I'd like to make, for example I'd like to be able to filter a mirror-typing (e.g. the “wrap in tag” snippet should not show tag arguments for the close tag), so I may end up with a more general system than currently (which should be good :) ).