On 5. Apr 2007, at 22:09, Daryl Spitzer wrote:
It is a bug that words surround by underscores in snake_case_words in a TextMate Twiki document are italicized. (In this example, the word "case" is italicized.) When displayed in TWiki, those words are not italicized.
I made a small change to the Twiki language (in the Twiki bundle) to correct this--see the 'markup.italic.twiki' match in the attached patch.
I got around to apply it, thanks.
While I was in there, I made the same change to the 'markup.bold.twiki' match.
This won’t work, since * is not a word character, so \b will actually have the opposite effect, i.e. making foo*bar*fud match the inner word as bold.
Instead it should probably be (?<!\w) and (?!\w) before/after the match. I didn’t make this change though.