Dear all,
First, thanks to Allan and everyone at Macromates for an amazingly stable alpha release, with lots of new goodies/features to use.
Second, a couple of specific queries:
* I note that the emacs binding C-k deletes from the caret to the end of the line, but C-y just inserts "TODO"; I assume that's a message from the developer, but I want to check...
* Another emacs-related keybinding I miss is using C-s to continue searching after the first use of C-s. Now, it seems that you have to use <tab> after you first use C-s to bring up the search-in-doc box at the bottom of the window.
Finally, more generally, is there any documentation for what can go into a .tm_properties file, either official or just samizdat?
Thanks, and appropriately happy holidays to all,