On 12/9/2006, at 15:13, gwendy wrote:
[...] As you can see, the snippet currently fills in a couple of default columns for both my main table and its versioned partner. Is it possible to then begin typing in column definitions for the primary table (where the cursor currently ends at $0), and have those columns mirrored in the versioned table below?
You may want to look at the existing Rails migration snippets.
However, to trigger a snippet in the “up” part and have that snippet mirror stuff int he (already created) “down” part, one need to instead make a command/macro which replace from the caret till the end of the document/up method with a snippet.
For more info I’d recommend you check out Duane Johnson’s articles on TextMate (he did all the Rails migration stuff and a lot of other cool stuff not bundled with TM): http://blog.inquirylabs.com/category/ textmate/