I've been reading this from the sidelines, but I must agree with Mats. I've been reading this list since TM went "live" for public consumption and I've never considered there to be a great deal of BB bashing. Actually, TM seems to take the brunt of the punishment here. (Which is what's expected).
When you have two things that compete very closely, there's going to be some banter. Kinda like sports teams or large companies. If you want to see some real childishness, start looking around for Java vs. Ruby On Rails blog entries. It's quite sad.
Mats, that's was well put and well researched. I'm going to confirm so of those numbers since I have all of the User's list in my Gmail account and go all the way back to when I joined to get some idea of how it has gone. I suspect there were more snide comments at the start when TM was very new and a very refreshing change from BBEdit.