On Jul 31, 2006, at 1:57 AM, Andreas Wahlin wrote: …
This could upen up for revert commands, and perhaps even diff commands. Also, if you delete something from the original, it can show up among your things with a big linethrough. Perhaps one should also be able to see what sort of "own" things has been forked off original things, so you can compare with the original. Also, you can add your entirely new items into a logical bundle, and you will see that it is yours entirely and not built off an original.
We definitely need some more control of our stuff in the bundle editor. I'd love to have locally modified bundle items colored differently or something and have a revert command. And the ability to undelete.
Currently, i've been occasionally opening up the actual files of my bundle and the /Library version to do diffs and such. But, it would be really handy to be able to see the basics right in the bundle editor.
I seriously LOVE the way the deltas work now. We can change parts of a bundle item without completely replacing it. Awesome.
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient