By the way... I tried to edit the file in TextEdit and my head is spinning a little. These letters jump back and forth in mysterious ways and don't behave like good letters should.
I admit, I don't understand RTL languages.... maybe TextMate got it right after all, I don't know.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 3:41 AM, wrote:
I needed to write perl code with some arabic letters recently. While right-to-left languages are (excuse me) pain in the *** on more than one level, textmate is not really helping me.
if I edit RTL language in TextMate, cursor moves "as expected" (= right key moves right, lef key moves left), which is not standard behaviour with RTL languages (in other editors, when you press right in RTL language, you move left, and left moves right). But that would be OK.
But it doesn't end there - if you, in TM, edit something on one end of RTL text, it appears on the OTHER end. So, you are writing something at the other end of the line, where the cursor is, so you don't know where you will be writing until you write.
If RTL is mixed with LTR, the letters appear/dissapear randomly, but never where the cursor is.
Another thing, maybe more important? - the file is actually saved differently from how it looks in textmate. Example: in textmate, it looks like this:
but in textedit (and how perl sees it) it looks like this:
(notice the misplaced parenthesis and semicolon)
I don't really use Arabic much, but I think it is a bug worth fixing.
Karel Bilek