I'm more confused now. Where would I put that xml? It wouldn't take it as a preference item. What type of bundle item should it be?
Also, why are you using xml when the manual shows this?:
smartTypingPairs = ( ( '"', '"' ), ( '(', ')' ), ( '{', '}' ), ( '[', ']' ), ( '“', '”' ), ( "'", "'" ), ( '`', '`' ), );
I tried the above but it didn't change anything. All I could find in the manual about this are these two locations (15.4 and 4.1). Is there more on this subject I'm missing?
On Aug 31, 2006, at 6:04 PM, Jacob Rus wrote:
Josh wrote:
Can someone explain how to add smart typing pairs? I need to add ':', ';' and '#', '#' but seem to be misunderstanding the online docs.
Just drop this attachment somewhere in a personal bundle somewhere. And then take it out when the next minor version of textmate comes along.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>bundleUUID</key> <string>4675F24E-6227-11D9-BFB1-000D93589AF6</string> <key>name</key> <string>CSS Typing Pairs</string> <key>scope</key> <string>source.css</string> <key>settings</key> <dict> <key>smartTypingPairs</key> <array> <array> <string>"</string> <string>"</string> </array> <array> <string>(</string> <string>)</string> </array> <array> <string>{</string> <string>}</string> </array> <array> <string>[</string> <string>]</string> </array> <array> <string>“</string> <string>”</string> </array> <array> <string>'</string> <string>'</string> </array> <array> <string>`</string> <string>`</string> </array> </array> </dict> <key>uuid</key> <string>552DA17C-0107-497F-8F4D-68DAF17DD475</string> </dict> </plist>
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