On Aug 2, 2007, at 6:50 AM, James Edward Gray II wrote:
I can tell you that Matz is an emacs fan.
Yeah, Matz uses emacs. I should also add that Oniguruma is written by Japanese.
I think if TM 2 has supoort for Japanese, there will be more people to be involved in the community. There are official documentations written in Japanese for some languages like PHP, we could use Control- H to look up in Japanese documentations. There are more things I can consider.
There can be a bundle for handling Japanese easier, like converting full-width kana to half-width. This kind of thing can be done soon if people in Japan find TextMate useful.
I see many mags in Japan put TM on the list for useful apps for rails with hetima's trick for handling Japanese. Aside from editors we all know, CotEditor is a very good addition to the family of editors on the Mac world. But, even for Rails development, people prefer Windows.
Here's a shot form the latest Japanese magazine. Sorry, I only have a built-in iSight for shooting.