I'm currently working on an article, together with some other authors, so we thought it wise to split it up into separate files, and then one main file, where all the others are \input-ed. Works great, and the TM_LATEX_MASTER variable makes life a little bit easier.
However, it turns out that support for this variable is a bit sketchy: - Using a full path in that variable breaks everything. Escaping a full path in quotes breaks it even more. The "Typeset and View" command normally constructs the filename and path itself, and assumes a clean input, but this breaks when the value of TM_LATEX_MASTER is used directly.
- If you just give a filename (and the file is in the project root), then "Typeset and View" can at least build the file. Viewing it breaks, because file://localhost/${TM_LATEX_MASTER%.tex}.pdf can not be found. (the variable is properly expanded in the URL, the file just can't be found)
I tried to look into it, but I couldn't really figure out how to get it to work properly. I hope someone else here has some time and is willing to look at it.
Regards, Jeroen.