I develop my Rails pages with two monitors.
On the left Monitor, I have TextMate open, on the right monitor, I have Safari with the current controller/action I'm editing open.
Instead of always manually: 1) Saving document in TextMate 2) Focusing Safari 3) Refreshing Safari 4) Put focus back on TextMate
I wrote the following Script in the Bundle Editor:
osascript -e " tell application "System Events" key down command keystroke "s" key up command end tell
tell application "Safari" activate end tell tell application "System Events" key down command keystroke "r" key up command end tell
tell application "TextMate" activate end tell "
However, the last three lines make TextMate freeze, and Safari doesn't even Refresh. As soon as I remove those three lines, everything works (except of course, refocusing TextMate).
Any ideas?
Is there any support for TextMate? I bought TextMate a couple of months ago.
Thanks a bunch!
R. Christian