I just uploaded the new version 0.903
Download: http://email.eva.mpg.de/~bibiko/downloads/textmate/TMTools.tmplugin.zip Help: http://email.eva.mpg.de/~bibiko/downloads/textmate/tmtoolshelp.html
"$TMTOOLS" help me
Changes: added: get contentOfWindow added: get/set smartTyping added: get allBundles added: get uuidFor added: get defaultBundle added: get allBundleItems added: do checkUUID added: get bundlePathsForUUID
Regarding to the issue of generating dynamic commands (esp. snippets) I attached an example bundle "SCRATCH SNIPPETS" which contains one command: "Create New Scratch Snippet". This command takes a selection which contains the snippet (last line := tab trigger = name of the new snippet) and installs a new snippet into the "SCRATCH SNIPPETS" bundle (scope is set to the current one automatically, but this can be changed easily). After doing that the new snippet is ready for usage.
Of course, one can also create commands, macros, etc. dynamically ;) [This bundle requires TMTOOLS release 0903!]
A demo movie is here: http://www.bibiko.de/TMscratchSnippet.mov (1.2MB)
Have fun,