You might also be interested in the CodeCompletion stuff. It does something similar to what Alex suggests but has some nice features specific to completing code. It'll find where your caret is and use the characters to the left of your caret to filter the list of completions. It'll also snippetize the completion to let you tab into quotes and stuff. It's what is used in the HTML & CSS bundles for completions. And a few other places.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/codecompletion" print["something","something else","etc..."],
input: current line or selection output: snippet
Or you could even make some preference items in your personal bundle like this:
{ shellVariables = ( { name = 'TM_COMPLETIONS'; value = 'something,something else,etc...'; }, ); }
And then set the scope to only give you that list in certain places.
And write a command like this that works with multiple lists with the same shortcut:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/codecompletion" print TextmateCodeCompletion .new(ENV['TM_COMPLETIONS'].split(','),
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — bundleForge
On Aug 13, 2007, at 10:27 PM, Kenneth McDonald wrote:
Ah, my heart is pounding...I hadn't stumbled across TextMate::UI yet (actually, haven't really looked at programming textmate yet), so it's time to start!
Many thanks, Ken
Alex Ross wrote: