On 31 Mar 2005, at 03:35, Dameron Midgette wrote:
P.S. How do I type 3<tab> without having it become <h3></h3>? The bundle editor didn't reveal any clues.
You most likely have a HTML <h3> snippet in the HTML bundle that has a 3 as it's tab trigger. Either change this tab trigger to h3 or empty or whatever, or disable the HTML bundle if you're not using it.
A newer HTML bundle is on the way and the tab triggers for <hN> will be hN (n=number). Secondly, the next (?) beta version of TM will introduce scopes so that if you're working in HTML syntax h3[tab] will produce <h3></h3> whereas in any other syntax it won't.
Hope that helped you. Any further problems like this, just look through the bundles Snippets/Commands/Macros to see which item causes the behaviour.
Kind regards,
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