On 16/11/2005, at 19.16, chris feldmann wrote:
I hesitate to suggest this, but how about modlines ala emacs or vim? /* vim:set ts=4 sw=4 nowrap: */
Eventually I'll probably support something like that -- but generally other users haven't made the proper settings lines in their files. I.e. the problem with wrong tab size happens when opening some random file from the net (or friend).
What other clue would textmate use anyway?
It can check the ratio for spaces versus tabs in the file to figure out if soft tabs should be enabled. If soft tabs are enabled, it can look at a few lines to figure out the size.
It won't be able to figure out the tab size (for hard tabs), but this is less important. I.e. the main problem is inserting spaces in a tabbed file or vice versa, and for spaces, inserting the wrong number of spaces for indent.
Now if just everybody would use hard tabs (as God intended), there would be no problems :) one would still need to set the proper size, but no-one would “destroy” the file by editing it with wrong settings.