On 03/09/2005, at 1.07, Gerd Knops wrote:
Just had a nice juicy kernel panic while editing with TextMate. Haven't seen one of these in years!
Was that while saving a file over a network mounted drive?
When I started to use setxattr() for metadata I got a lot of reports of kernel panics when saving to AFP mnted volumes -- turns out the fs driver is buggy. I introduced a workaround for that, but since then I've had two reports of kernel panics from setxattr(), so it seems my workaround wasn't a complete fix.
To disable the use of setxattr() execute (while TM is not running):
defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakDocumentDisableFSMetaData -bool true
I'll look into having TM disable metadata automatically only for drives that look like network mounts.