On Jan 21, 2011, at 9:48 AM, Walter Lee Davis wrote:
That's cool, thanks to both of you. I haven't used AppleScript in a very long time, can anyone recommend a way to write this so that it would try QuickTime Player 7 syntax first, and then step down to QuickTime Player X if it didn't find it?
I found this snippet:
try tell application "Finder" return name of application file id "com.macromates.TextMate" end tell on error err_msg number err_num return null end try
You'd have to get the appropriate application id for the various QuickTimes, but looks like it would work. Found here:
Also, Daring Fireball has some related info on determining if an application is running without writing 'if application "whatever" is running'. If you're going to retool the script to use either or, might also be cool to see if you can work out the logic to make use of which app is currently running if both are installed.