On Apr 11, 2006, at 10:03 PM, Sean Schertell wrote:
I recently purchased Circus Ponies Notebook software to help me stay more organized (it rocks by the way). I want to be able to keep a 'notebook' in each of my project directories. The problem is that a 'notebook' doesn't appear as a regular file in the TM drawer -- it appears as a directory full of my notebook contents. The reason why that's a problem is because it means I can't just double-click the notebook to open it in circus ponies software. Instead I have to go find it in the Finder, and launch it from there.
Anyway to fix this?
I'm not familiar with the program, but I am guessing it is the same as with programs like OmniOutliner etc. Namely, any folder with extension .oo3, or whatever the extension for CPNotebook is, will be opened by Finder by the correct program. My guess is that if you right-click on the 'notebook' folder from within TextMate, you will see, as one of the options, "Open 'notebook' in CPNotebook" or something of that sort. Also, if CPNotebook exists in your Dock, you can also drag and drop the 'notebook' directory from TextMate onto the CPNotebook dock icon, and it should open it. That is, provided CPNotebook plays according to the standard rules for MacOSX apps.
Cheers, Sean