On 24/06/2005, at 6:47 AM, Mats Persson wrote:
On 23/06/2005, at 11:36 PM, James Hill wrote:
Just updated to textmate 1.1b13, and I no longer have the
beautiful colour scheme, is there anyway i can get the old colour schemes back, with the new version.. I need help, i know it's finicky but i find it really hard to develop in anything but that scheme, and it's partly why i purchased textmate to begin with.
I'm not entirely sure what colour scheme it is that you are/were using, but I would guess you were using the "saturated colours on black background" theme that was default in Ruby in b5. If so, you should select "Colorset: All Hallow's Eve" in the Theme Editor and you should be back on track. There are other alternatives though which might be better.
Yeah tried All Hallow's Eve, quite similar, but little differences, the current line is some browny/yellow that makes the light blue impossible to read, I thought, no worries i'll just change that colour, so I went through all the options in Theme Editor, but couldn't find the variable to change.
Please note, in b13 you can easily edit the colour schemes to the way you like them, so that might also be an option for you.
well not really, updates aren't made until you leave the scheme editor, so it makes changing colours a tedious trial by error process. perhaps i'm just doing it the wrong way..
On 23 Jun 2005, at 15:12, James Hill wrote:
For now, I've just reverted back to 1.1b5, which was the last version before colour schemes i think, and has the colour scheme that i like for ruby editing.
Hmm, going back to 1.1b5 seems a bit drastic in my book.
However, in the recent move from b12 to b13 there may be some temporary colour display issues due to Allan changing various naming conventions, but forgot (?) to add/change those in the ColorSettings: files.
Kind regards,
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