Hello Alain,
Am 5. Nov 2006 um 10:38 schrieb Alain Matthes:
- For the LaTeX users with TM : Which topic do you use?
I have used three themes so far for LaTeX: 1. iLife 05, which is nice and fine but by far no real Latex-theme 2. Brilliance Black and siblings by Thomas, which are nice and very complete themes for many languages (see below), but by far not good enough for my Latex-needs, although at the moment I am back to Brilliance Black… [1] and I guess I should look if there is an update to it. 3. My own modified version of Brilliance Black, which, in addition to changes to my Latex-grammar is quite nice and fulfills my needs.
- Generally, is it possible that a theme can be excellent for
several languages? I think that it is very complicated ...
It is, but Thomas's Brilliance Black themes [1] are very detailed and I believe he aims to provide support for quite a bunch of languages.
- I work especially with Latex and CSS and for Latex, it seems to
me that only two themes are proposed:
Blackboard and Brilliance Black but at each time i' ve some problems with LateX . Blacboard is perhaps simple and the best but do there exist other themes to use LaTeX?
I would like to make some changes but it is relatively difficult. For example, I often use pgf/tikz and I suppose that many uses pstricks. I would like to be able to emphasize \begin {tikzpicture}… \ end {tikzpicture} and reserved words of tikz in a certain color. I think it's the same for pstricks.
Perhaps, one among you is able to describe the procedure because I suppose that it will be the same one for all the packages.
How to make? Do you have recommendations so I can do that myself?
If you want to style something like a keyword -- it HAS to be recognized by the language grammar. So anything that you will want to add needs to be both in the theme and inside the grammar. And I guess there are two ways to do this: - either you create your own grammar file and add your changes there - or you try to get your changes added to the official LaTeX grammar.
An example for the first approach: I have my own bundle with my own LaTeX.dekay language which I select when working in LaTeX.
{ scopeName = 'text.tex.latex.dekay'; fileTypes = ( 'tex' ); patterns = ( { name = 'meta.label.reference.latex'; begin = '(\(?:ref|eqref|vref|prettyref){)'; end = '(})'; captures = { 1 = { name = 'keyword.control.ref.latex'; }; }; patterns = ( { name = 'constant.other.reference.lable.latex'; match = '[a-zA-Z,:0-9]+'; } ); },
The las section is one taken from the original language grammar and extended by the different ways I markup references… but they are all styled as the regular references…
{ name = 'meta.function.section.latex'; begin = '((\(?:part))(*?)(?:([)[^[]*?(]))??({))'; end = '(})'; captures = { 1 = { name = 'support.function.section.part.latex'; }; }; patterns = ( { include = 'text.tex.latex'; } ); contentName = 'entity.name.section'; },
Then I have different patterns for each type of heading that get named differently, so that I can have different color highlights for each… in my custom theme
{ name = 'meta.package.fixme.latex'; begin = '(\(?:fixme){)'; end = '(})'; captures = { 1 = { name = 'support.function.package.fixme'; }; }; patterns = ( { include = 'text.tex.latex'; } ); },
and for some packages with their own commands I have set new rules to make them highlighted as such… e.g. the fixme-package gets a yellow backgground which stands out nicely on Brilliance Black.
{ include = 'text.tex.latex'; }, ); }
The language grammar then includes the original grammar and this gets me the regular Latex-based highlighting.
As for the theme itself: I have made a copy of Brilliance Black and added the newly styled commands/scopes to it.
There is also one additional alternative: once your custom grammar file is finished you can use the "create theme of the day" command by Allan - which was created for the purpose of creating a new custom theme with random colors based on the current document's language grammar… but I can't seem to find it anywhere… search this list for it, I believe it was posted a while ago (March?).
[1]: http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/Themes/Brilliance%20Black% 20BETA.tmTheme