I just uploaded the new version 0.906 Download: http://email.eva.mpg.de/~bibiko/downloads/textmate/TMTools.tmplugin.zip Help: http://email.eva.mpg.de/~bibiko/downloads/textmate/tmtoolshelp.html or "$TMTOOLS" help me
Changes: added: show bundleMenu
##### Regarding to the Ctrl+Esc issue:
For all those of you who don't want to edit a keybindings.dict or to abandon to some 'global' Ctrl+Esc events, now you can easily create a normal TM command with
"$TMTOOLS" show bundleMenu
bound to any key-combo; input = none; output = show tool tip
to invoke the gear menu. Of course, Ctrl+Esc doesn't work if this combo is used by other applications.
If there is someone who really need the Ctrl+Esc combo to open the gear menu regardless of other applications, I believe this should work (if you have installed QuickSilver and TMTOOLS 0.906):
1) write a bash script with the following content:
_____________________________ #!/bin/bash ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/PlugIns/TMTools.tmplugin/ Contents/Resources/tm_tools show bundleMenu
_____________________________ Note: please verify the path to tm_tools!
2) save it as - let's say -
Note: be sure you set the "execute bit"!
3) open QuickSilver Trigger pane
4) go to 'Custom Triggers'
and add a new trigger by looking for the just created bash script name "TM_show_bundleMenu" for an item; action = "Run [...]"; and set the target to "dummy"
5) assign to the just created trigger the hot-key Ctrl+Esc and for activation 'On Press'; scope to "TextMate"
6) close the QuickSilver window
7) try the hot-key Ctrl+Esc in TM
I tried it out, and it works, even if I have Apple Remote running.