On 25 Sep 2012, at 10:03, Jonas Zimmermann wrote:
Hm. I could argue the same for the current way it works. Had to ask on this list to understand the current behaviour. And other than cmd-ctrl-R, can you navigate to a specific file/folder in the file browser without the editor losing focus? OK, you can, by clicking on files, but I'd argue that by clicking on something you made the cognitive step of changing your attention (I cannot click on files blindly) – but that behaviour is not consistent, either, because when you select multiple files, the file browser gets focus.
I think I struggled with the way Textmate does SCM until I spent more time using the SCM view of the file browser (⌘⇧Y). Now I'm generally in that view most of the time (disclaimer I'm a git user so can't vouch for it's effectiveness for SVN).
That being said, it's a bundle so it's not hard to change the behaviour if you need it to work differently (or add a new command if you don't want to change the default). I did something similar (in reverse) by changing $TM_FILEPATH to $TM_SELECTED_FILES in the add command for git. Do something like that for SVN commit and you'll have it working exactly the way you want.