Apologies if this has been discussed before, I'm away from my mail archive and I couldn't search.
One of the more useful features of vim (for me at least) is the ability to pass a number as a parameter to a command, most of which used that as the number of times to repeat the command (though there are more specialized commands, like n%, which positions the cursor n% of the way down from the top of the file). This is especally useful for operations like "delete the next 10 tokens" (10dw), or jump down 25 lines (25j -or- 25<down-arrow>), and I really made use of it when prototyping OCaml code with its toplevel loop, where errors in long functions are pointed out by the number of characters from the start of the input string, not its line and column numbers... So if I am told there's a problem with the code between characters 2674 and 2679, I just have to position the cursor at the top of the text I entered and enter 2674<right-arrow> and it will take me to the start of the offending code.
Now, as far as I can tell, TextMate doesn't have anything like this built in (a "repeat the next event n times" command), or am I just missing it somewhere? If it's not in there, could you consider this as a feature request for such a thing?
One more thing, might it be possible to alter the behavior of Go to Line... to also accept a negative number, -n, and go to line n from the bottom?
Would anyone else find these things useful, or am I the only odd one in the bunch?
William D. Neumann
"There's just so many extra children, we could just feed the children to these tigers. We don't need them, we're not doing anything with them.
Tigers are noble and sleek; children are loud and messy."
-- Neko Case
Think of XML as Lisp for COBOL programmers.
-- Tony-A (some guy on /.)