On Jul 31, 2007, at 12:29 AM, Darren Hardy wrote:
I would like to have the items listed in the Select Bundle Item... (Ctrl-Apple-T) sorted, but I haven't found an option for that anywhere.
The main usage of control-apple-T is that you type and norrow the selections down. I don't see a reason to sort the items. And, there is now way to sort manually, I think.
What you can do is hide the bundles you never use. TextMate now comes with too many bundles. <http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/ bundles#hiding_bundles>
Same thing is automated backups -- is there an option to have your previous version saved as Filename~ or Filename.bak, etc.
There's no automated backups. In my experience, TextaMate's saves are very reliable. But I understand some other text editors have this feature. Someone may have made up a solution. But this feature doesn't seem to be commonly requested. Also, it shouldb be mentioned that TextMate supports undo's.
Takaaki -- Takaaki Kato http://samuraicoder.net