Apologies in advance if the answer to my query is blindingly obvious---I am a UNIX newbie.
I am trying to implement Fletcher Penney's variant of Markdown, MultiMarkdown (http://fletcher.freeshell.org/wiki/MultiMarkdown), as a TextMate bundle. The basic idea is to convert a Markdown document into a full xhtml document and then to use xslt to convert it into different formats such as LaTeX.
I have written TextMate commands for each step of the process, and it all works fine, but I would also like to add commands that string these steps together. But there is a problem. For example, while the following two TextMate commands work:
Save: Nothing Command(s): #!/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/MultiMarkdown.pl "$TM_FILEPATH" Input: None Output: Create New Document
Save: Nothing Command(s): #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/xsltproc -nonet -novalid /usr/local/bin/xhtml2article.xslt "$TM_FILEPATH" Input: None Output: Create New Document
the following fails---it generates an empty file:
Save: Nothing Command(s): #!/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/MultiMarkdown.pl "$TM_FILEPATH" | /usr/bin/xsltproc - nonet -novalid /usr/local/bin/xhtml2article.xslt Input: None Output: Create New Document
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
All the best, Mark _________________ Mark Eli Kalderon Department of Philosophy University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT
Dept webpage: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy Personal wepage: http://www.kalderon.demon.co.uk