I just committed a fix. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Brad Miller
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Luther College
On 7/16/07, Niels Kobschätzki
n.kobschaetzki@googlemail.com wrote:
> Hi!
> I just tried to render with the filename "Problem Set 5.tex" but it
> failed because it seems to "think" that Problem, Set and 5 are three
> different documents - here's the output:
> atexmk: This is latexmk, John Collins, 26 February 2007, version:
> 3.08n. **** Report bugs etc to John Collins . **** Latexmk: Could not
> find file [Problem] ------------ Run number 1 of 'pdflatex
> -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style Problem' ------------
> Latexmk: restoring last Problem.aux file Latexmk: Did not finish
> processing file: Latex failed to generate a log file Latexmk: Could
> not find file [Set] ------------ Run number 1 of 'pdflatex
> -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style Set' ------------
> Latexmk: restoring last Set.aux file Latexmk: Did not finish
> processing file: Latex failed to generate a log file Latexmk: Could
> not find file [5.tex] ------------ Run number 1 of 'pdflatex
> -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style 5.tex' ------------
> Latexmk: restoring last 5.aux file Latexmk: Did not finish processing
> file: Latex failed to generate a log file
> And I have now the files in the directory of tex-file:
> 5.aux
> 5.aux.bak
> Problem Set 5.tex
> Problem.aux
> Problem.aux.bak
> Set.aux
> Set.aux.bak
> texput.log
> Removing the spaces from the filename helps. Something should be done
> about the error output…should be somehow formatted but I think that
> already in discussion…
> As written in the subject: it's the actual SVN-checkout of the
> LaTeX-bundle
> Niels
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