yes, i will change it in the near future. I have some other things changed in my local copy but haven't had any time to finish and commit them. I have a very handy little snippet you could use like this:
.each⌘⌥⌃(and it will insert a snippet like
(function(value) { value });
with tabstops for the value. Very handy, I use it a lot more now than the .each snippet. Anyway, soon commite to the svn repo.
On 8/18/06, Andreas Wahlin wrote:
I like it, lots :) However, one little detail; I'd suggest changing the each snippet from each(function(${3:this_one}${4:,i}){$0}${5:.bind(this)}); to each(function(${3:this_one}${4:,i}) { $0 }${5:.bind(this)});
that is, "uncompress" it so to speak. Also, I'd like to change this_one to el or element, since I usually iterate over html elements, but that's just my own things. ______________________
Andreas Wahlin Webbutvecklare
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