Hi there.
I'm trying to create a set shell script templates under the 'New From Templates...' menu command.
I've created a template entry in the Shell Script bundle, using the default commands setup, with the extension set to .sh and the scope set to source.shell (i've tried it with and without this, and reloaded bundles between attempts.) I've added a template file (script.sh) to the template, with just the following contents:
# ${TM_NEW_FILE_BASENAME} # Created by ${TM_USERNAME} on ${TM_DATE}. # Copyright (c) ${TM_YEAR} ${TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME}. All rights reserved.
which is pretty much a default entry I guess.
The Shell Script option now appears as a submenu in the 'New From Templates...' menu item, but when I select it, I get nothing :-(
Okay, this one has me beat - what am I doing wrong?