On 14/11/2005, at 6.09, Graham Ashton wrote:
Is there any support for editing emails out there?
A few seems to have made it for themselves, but nothing public: http://www.google.com/search?num=20&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&c2cof... +site%3Alists.macromates.com&btnG=Search
I'm specifically wondering whether it's possible to turn the following on when opening in some kind of "email mode":
- highlighting of quoted text (i.e. different colour)
- automatically entering line wrap mode
- knowledge of how to wrap quoted paragraphs (i.e. with ">" at the start of each line)
If you can give your emails a unique (file) extension, then in the bundle editor make a new language that marks up quoted text, and let it have two rules like this (not tested):
{ name = "meta.quoted-text.email"; match = "^\s*>\s.*$\n?"; // make the newline part of the match, if any }, { include = "text.plain"; }, // just include the text.plain rules
Then quoted text should have scope “meta.quoted-text.email” which you can assign a visual style to in Preferences / Fonts & Colors. I included the \n in the match, so if you change background for quoted text, it will extend to the right border, for the entire block of quoted text.
In addition, because the files have their own language, changing soft wrap will stick only to that language.
And since you also have a scope for quoted text, it's possible to e.g. overload ctrl-Q (reflow text) only for that scope -- the command would be a macro that first selects the paragraph (via regexp search) and then filter the text probably through “par” [1], this letter has a list of options to use with “par” for reflow of potential email- quoted text: http://lists.macromates.com/pipermail/textmate/2005- September/005762.html
[1] You'll need to install this from Darwin Ports or similar