I couldn't find the last thread, so I just open a new one.
There were some problems with LaTeX label completion and I especially had problems when using subfolders in projects.
If the latex master file is in a subfolder, then there are three posibilities for TM_LATEX_MASTER.
1. Give the full path to the master file: In this case everything works, but I don't like this, because then you cant move your projects to another place without having to change everything.
2. Use the string 'subfolder/master.tex' Typeset+View will work, label completion will not work.
3. Use the string 'master.tex' Typeset+View will not work, but label completion will work in all files that are in the same folder as master.tex
So parsing of subfolders is implemented in a different way for Typeset+View and label completion. Would be nice if this was fixed.