So I just read in the documentation:
[...] it is not possible to use a pattern that matches multiple lines. [...]
Not true (if you are talking about find and replace searching).
Enable multiline searching using (?m) the pattern "(?m)get.*Kend" will find one match in the following example text (hit cntrl-cmd-E to open this email in textmate and then select the pattern and hit cmd-E to try it out
Papers to get Newton Morton (Southhampton high IQ geneticist) Eaves et al. 2005 Kendler (and Eaves?) 2005 Extended phenotype
I like this help page for Oniguruma
Other powerful underused options are: (?i) = ignore case (?#greatly simplifies reg ex for words where caps vary) (?# oh yes # allows comments very handy when writing bundles you want to be more explanatory:-)