I solved this but I don't know how. :(
I would like to suggest that it is a bug that when you create a bundle the grammar file is named untitled.tmLanguage even after you change the name of the grammar in the bundle editor. I should not have had to reach into the innards of the bundle in order to do this...
On Feb 11, 2014, at 3:51 PM, Matt Neuburg matt@tidbits.com wrote:
As you probably know, I'm trying to write a new AsciiDoc bundle from the ground up. When I created this bundle, my tmLanguage file was named untitled.tmLanguage even though I have entered AsciiDoc in the bundle editor as the name of the language grammar. My question is, how can I rename this file asciidoc.tmLanguage? (If I do it directly in the Finder, TextMate simply loses track of the file altogether and thinks I no longer have a language grammar.) m.
-- matt neuburg, phd = matt@tidbits.com, http://www.apeth.net/matt/ pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei Programming iOS 7! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920031017.do iOS 7 Fundamentals! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032465.do RubyFrontier! http://www.apeth.com/RubyFrontierDocs/default.html TidBITS, Mac news and reviews since 1990, http://www.tidbits.com