Reply written in TM via Edit in Textmate with Leopard on an older intel Macbook Pro :-)
So its not yet a non-working hack. For me, edit in TM working in Safari and mail etc is a deal-breaking feature: Must use it 50 times a day.
t On 12 Jul 2009, at 08:35, Jesse Read wrote:
So I was in IRC asking Allan about this earlier today, but he said it was still working in Leopard and I could look in the source for any Snow Leopard issues (I've been developing off and on with SL).
Well, I'm back on my Leopard side and it's broken here too. I reinstalled the InputManager and still a no-go. It beeps at me when I try to use the command (but as in SL, the bundle IS loaded as I can see the command is there.)
So is anyone else suffering from a break with the "Edit in TextMate" InputManager? I'd figured I'd poll the group at large before I start mucking around or write it off as a non-working hack at this point.