On Mar 12, 2005, at 8:47 PM, Eric Hsu wrote:
At 8:34 PM -0600 3/12/05, Brad Miller wrote:
Hey! No Fair. You took away my F1 from pydoc. And, while you were at it you duplicated the functionality in my List Defs command, already in the Python Bundle.
Yes, but does yours have a nifty Javascript pop-up menu? And does yours work on Perl and CSS? :)
Nope, but I rather liked my window. It takes one less click than your nifty pop-up. :-) Nope again :-( but now that I've seen the light I don't do much Perl programming.
I guess this shortcut key assignment is one of the problems that will go away (get better) when we get scoping, in b6?
I hope so. The previous F1 assignment was a problem, since I don't use Python and I don't want F1 to be a default for a language I don't use.
But I use it every day. We teach it here as our introductory programming language :-)
On the other hand, if we can just agree to soup up the universal 'show functions/special items' Defaults bundle (not started by me), then we can all use F1 and be happy. :) For the common good, I'm trying to go along with it even though (1) I already had a perfectly good List Subs in the Perl bundle, and (2) the parsing script is written in Python, and I don't speak a word of it...
I'd be happy to join in the universal common good fun. Maybe if we get C/PHP/C++ we will reach critical mass and we can do away with the individual language versions.
Seriously though if we are going to do a universal show functions we should try to agree on what the interface ought to look like. It seems funny to me to bring up a whole html window just to have a dropdown menu. Thats one more click than necessary in my opinion. Unless going the javascript menu route is going to be easier to convert whenever Allen gets the popup menu stuff incorporated into TM.
- Eric
-- Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics San Francisco State University erichsu@math.sfsu.edu http://math.sfsu.edu/hsu ______________________________________________________________________ For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Brad Miller, PhD Assistant Professor Luther College http://www.cs.luther.edu/~bmiller jabber: bnmnetp@jabber.org