On 1/21/06 1:21 PM, "Ahmad Baitalmal" ahmad@baitalmal.com wrote:
Hi, Is there a way to pervent TextMate from using the Option key to toggle the selection type?
It's conflicting with another key binding I have for the Option key :( This is a deal breaker for me and TextMate is the best editor I have seen on OSX so far.
There might be a way with System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts.
Or maybe using the command line defaults tool would work. I seem to remember using that to stop Command-Q from quitting in Safari (I'd sometimes accidentally hit q instead of w). I think I got that tip on macosxhints... Yeah, here it is: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2003050112482698
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSUserKeyEquivalents '{"Quit Safari" = "@Q"; "Quit Mail" = "@Q";}'
Try: man defaults ...if you have trouble.