Hi there!
I have a simple, surely often asked question. Please don´t "RTFM!" me, I really did search and google for that. So here is my problem: We develop in Perl with textmate. We have two functions in our framework, called "breakpoint" and "debug". Those are marked with yellow background and black font. Unfortunately, the developers who know how to adjust textmate correctly, are all gone (they´re not dead, just quit!). I got a new machine and am trying desperately to set the highlighting of those two words eversince.
During my crusade I also discovered that we have a customized language declaration for Perl under "Bundles/Bundle Editor/Edit Languages/Perl". I put that one on my new machine, but it doesn´t do the trick.
Here are two screenshots which show how it looks on the old machine and the setting ("perl.control") that I suspect being responsible for that: http://www.dreamway.com/screen1.png http://www.dreamway.com/screen2.png
Thanks for your help!