On May 7, 2005, at 15:02, Tom Lazar wrote:
I'd like some advice on how to best change the default language for .txt to markdown [...]
To associate .txt with Markdown, from Terminal.app do (while TM is not running): defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakLanguageFileBindings '({name = "Markdown"; fileTypes = (txt); language = "0A1D9874-B448-11D9-BD50-000D93B6E43C";})'
If you want all new documents to open as Markdown, do: defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakDefaultLanguage '0A1D9874-B448-11D9-BD50-000D93B6E43C'
If you later regret this, just do: defaults delete com.macromates.textmate OakDefaultLanguage
In these examples the long string is the UUID of the language.
Also, in the first example you can set firstLineMatch to a regex instead of the fileTypes array (or you can set both).
btw. b8 looks really good! methinks it should be announced on versiontracker and such places!
Thanks -- well, I do have ~3 items that I _really_ would like/need to do before going back to official betas. But hopefully I'll have a productive weekend! :)