I am using Textmate 1.5.9. When I visit a .erb file or a .html.erb file the scope selector identifies the source as being source.ruby.rails rather than the text.html.ruby which I believe is the correct scope. As a consequence a lot of my snippets are unavailable.
Thanks for any suggestions you might have.
Cheers, Santosh
The following is the definition of the language:
{ scopeName = 'text.html.ruby'; fileTypes = ( 'rhtml', 'erb', 'html.erb' ); foldingStartMarker = '(?x) (<(?i:head|body|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|div|select|fieldset|style|script|ul|ol|form|dl)\b.*?> |<!--(?!.*-->) |{\s*($|?>\s*$|//|/*(.**/\s*$|(?!.*?*/))) )'; foldingStopMarker = '(?x) (</(?i:head|body|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|div|select|fieldset|style|script|ul|ol|form|dl)> |^\s*--> |(^|\s)} )'; patterns = ( { name = 'comment.block.erb'; begin = '<%+#'; end = '%>'; captures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.erb'; }; }; }, { name = 'source.ruby.rails.embedded.html'; begin = '<%+(?!>)[-=]?'; end = '-?%>'; captures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.section.embedded.ruby'; }; }; patterns = ( { name = 'comment.line.number-sign.ruby'; match = '(#).*?(?=-?%>)'; captures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.ruby'; }; }; }, { include = 'source.ruby.rails'; }, ); }, { include = 'text.html.basic'; }, ); }