Yes . . . please . . . when Allan gets the Alpha done he gets it done.
Besides I have to ask the question. If TextMate is so good (which it is) why is everyone so impatient for TM2? Yes it will probably be better then TM1 and more scalable, but TM1 is great as is.
If anything the bigger question would be for the windows users wondering when TM is going to be coming to there platform? Besides E-text Editor which works pretty good. But I was a little put out when they wanted to charge for a product that was still in Beta.
Because TextMate isn't that great. It being a good (arguably the best) OS X programmers editor doesn't mean it's great. SlickEdit, if it was native Cocoa instead of X, would be much, much better.
So those of use waiting for a version 2 hope that the many issues, both visual and functional, with finally be fixed. Then maybe it'll be a great editor.