This is just a generic question on how you use Terminal and TextMate in developing with Rails. I benefit from the bundles like Ruby, Rails RubyAMP and RSpec. My problem is that I would like to have a few Terminal tabs open for one application. I need one tab for running commands like script/generate or rake tasks. (I know I can use Control- Shift-\ for some tasks, but it feels a bit slow to me.) Another tab is for the server log genarated after `script/server`. And optionally I have a tab open for script/console.
If I use Control-Shift-O, the Terminal window opens and `cd` to the current directory. RubyAMP bundle has Control-Command-P for a similar feature. But if I use the same command more than once, a new Terminal window shows up. I would like to have a new tab instead.
What I do currently is that: 1) Open the TextMate project file, 2) I use Control-Shift-O to open the Terminal window and find myself in the project directory, 3) run the AppleScript I made to duplicate a tab.
My AppleScript is written at <http://samuraicoder.net/applescript_duplicating_tabs_terminal
. This is just a shitty script, simply emulates what I do on
keyboards. Is there anybody who can know a much better way? Or would you suggest any better workflow?