On Mar 23, 2005, at 11:27 AM, Fred B. wrote:
On 23-mars-05, at 18:04, Eric Hsu wrote:
Could some of the (S)FTP boosters spell out how an ideal editor would behave with respect to FTP? I don't get it myself... I always want a local copy as well, so I rarely every edit directly at the FTP site.
First, I'm not an (S)FTP booster at all, a good (S)FTP client is a must have for me anyway (Transmit 3 for me). I'm not even sure what an integrated FTP client could bring us, except if it could give me the possibility to open remote files as a Project...
I'm curious to see how Projects are going to evolve, specifically if you're using a third party (s)ftp client. Allan, do you have any plans for this?