On 19/7/2006, at 14:53, Gregor Nobis wrote:
On 19.07.2006, at 14:06, Allan Odgaard wrote:
If you run latest cutting edge try ⌥⌘U with the output window open to view the raw HTML source.
Try switch to Cutting Edge in Preferences → Software Update and update to get the action.
Oh okay. I have now updated to build 1180. ⌥⌘U Now opens an 'untitled' window with nothing in it. Caret blinks at line 1 column
- Reloading the output window (using the contextual menu) briefly
shows the progress indicator in the upper right corner.
Do you know if other (shell) commands work?
Please see http://macromates.com/wiki/Troubleshooting/ShellCommands and http://macromates.com/wiki/Troubleshooting/RevertToDefaultBundles for likely troubleshooting.