On Jun 1, 2005, at 22:00, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley wrote:
Just a small frustration I hadn't mentioned before, but thought I'd raise since you mentioned optionally adding support for cmd-shift-arrow.
No, it was cmd-{ and }. Cmd-shift-arrow is still for selecting. And I'm quite sure that the reason Apple changed the Safari keys was because people bitched about this (at least I have read dozen of people mention this unfortunate choice, and has been bitten by it myself countless times, despite the fact that I rarely use Safari)!
Why they didn't choose cmd-option-arrow is beyond me, seeing how this is also used by Xcode (so it's not just TextMate), and cmd-{ and } would be cmd-option-shift-8 & 9 on a lot of European keymaps, so this is really a horrible choice for international support.
Btw: if you're not aware, you can change the menu keys of any application using System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse.