On 5 Jul 2007, at 16:32, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
On Jul 5, 2007, at 6:30 AM, Tobias Jung wrote:
At 12:03 Uhr -0400 03.07.2007, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
I regularly have to deal with html documents that have been stripped of all newlines.
Well, maybe this isn't the kind of solution you're looking for, but...
Here is my solution of the same kind ;)
If I have such a huge one line xml/html document I use the "Filter through Command'
Command: cat myhugefile.xml | perl -pe 's/</(.*?)>/</$1>\n/g' Input: None Output: Create New Document
By doing so I can 'handle' html files with a size of some MegaBytes with TM.
One could fine-tune it to insert a \n after let's say 4 closing tags.
Or one could also add s/<br>/<br>\n/g or something like that.
If I want to sustain the original structure I use:
Command: cat myhugefile.xml | perl -pe 's/</(.*?)>/</$1>§§\n/g' Input: None Output: Create New Document
in order to distinguish between a 'original' line break and 'my temporary' line break. Thus I can delete all §§\n after my editing easily by using perl.
I know maybe you did it but only in case you didn't: UNCHECK!! -> Check Spelling As You Type
I don't know whether it would increase the speed of TM in such a case if it would be possible to switch off the undo buffer/function?