On 21 Mar 2006, at 11:03, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
Actually, all you have to do is open "Text/Remove Trailing Spaces" in the bundle editor, set its "save:" option to "current file", and assign it the key equivalent F3 by clicking on the text field next to "key equivalent" and pressing F3. Then "F3" should show up in the text field. Close the bundle editor, and you should be good to go. No need to create a new macro at all.
The save option in the command editor saves the file *before* running the command, not after.
However, as Domenico pointed out earlier in the thread, you can create an empty command, set to save the file, and queue it up in a macro.
So the best way to accomplish this based on the discussion so far:
* Duplicate the "Text/Remove Trailing Spaces" command, and set input and output to Entire Document, so it won't misbehave when text is selected. * Create a new command, empty, with Save: set to Current File, input None, and output Discard * Record a macro, which runs those two commands in succession * Save the macro and assign it to F3 (or Cmd-S, if you prefer).