Allan Odgaard wrote:
As a workaround I changed the redirect command to go through localhost like this:
[ -s ${tmp}.pdf ] && { cp "$tmp" ~/Sites/web_kit_workaround.pdf; chmod 666 ~/Sites/web_kit_workaround.pdf; echo "</pre><script>window.location='http://localhost/~%24USER/ web_kit_workaround.pdf'</script>"; }
Now it follows the redirect again, but unfortunately the PDF plugin doesn't work, it freezes after showing “Loading...”, but this is also the case when loading the PDF in Safari (and OmniWeb crashes). I did try the latest 2.2 of the plugin.
I changed it to just open the pdf in preview, using "open ${tmp}.pdf". It's not as nice as opening it in the same window, but generally prefer Preview over the PDF-Plugin for viewing pdfs, so I guess it's a draw ;-)
Well... hopefully the rumored native PDF capability in Tiger will make the actual rendering work. But I'm not sure what to do about not being able to do a file://-redirect.
I believe some tiger-featuer-list published by apple confirmed the pdf-viewing feature, so I'll only have to live with the workaround for two weeks ;-)
greetings, Florian Pflug